Chinese To Christ Ministries (C2C) previously Hong Kong Christian Mission was started by Wing Wong in 1974 after he graduated from Platte Valley Bible College (now Summit Christian College). Wing answered the call from God to come to the United States for Bible and ministry training and went back to Hong Kong to make disciples for Christ. Since then, Wing has developed various institutes and tools to evangelize and disciple the Chinese people, including Gospel radio broadcasting, Bible college and training centers, Bible correspondence course, church planting, video conferencing, social media, Gospel tracks and literature, community service and team building.
Church Planting
Planting churches is the natural result of evangelism. We pray, support and send workers to help start churches where evangelism has brought results or to start the evangelism process in unreached areas. We value the Restoration principles that all the churches we start are independent Christian churches. Our ministry has spread over 8 provinces with over 20 local church leaders overseeing 60 plus churches and continue to make disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ in China.
Nurture Disciple Makers
Interactive Bible Correspondence Course (IBCC) is a Bible college level training course to develop and equip church leaders to know the Word and know how to share the Word. Besides IBCC, we also hold several concentrated trainings right where they are and sponsor the more qualified leaders for greater academic and spiritual discipline in conventional Bible colleges and seminaries. Additionally, we are dispersing digital copies of the Bible and video lessons electronically into different provinces through the New Approach Program, so that recent restrictions of religious activities would not hinder their spiritual growth. Our ultimate goal is to make disciple makers for our Lord Jesus Christ in China.